ÖKOTHERM® Biomass Heating Systems – unique in diversity
A.P. Bioenergietechnik GmbH has been selling ÖKOTHERM® Biomass heating systems since the 1980s selling systems all over the world.
Increasing awareness for the environment and the knowledge that fossil fuels are finite has lead to a massive rethink in those responsible in the industry and the public sector as well as larger groups of buildings (e.g. agricultural businesses, housing estates, bio-energy villages, wineries, etc.). One of the unique selling points of our biomass heating systems is independence of fuels as well as the flexibility to change fuels depending on availability or requirements.
Contact us for a personal presentation of our systems, without any obligation to buy.
Stefan Fellner
CEO A.P. Bioenergietechnik GmbH
First successful type test in Germany
Miscanthus is classified as a stalk-type fuel.
It therefore falls within the scope of the 1st BImSchV (Federal Immission Control Ordinance) if it is to be used in heating systems with a thermal output of less than 100 kW.
Miscanthus may only be burned under licensing law if compliance with strict emission limits can be demonstrated in a type test beforehand.
A.P. Bioenergietechnik GmbH is the first and so far the only manufacturer in Germany to have successfully passed the required type test and is thus able to utilise miscanthus and a variety of other stalk-type fuels in the ÖKOTHERM® compact systems.

For all biomass fuels
Always use the most economic bio fuel with ÖKOTHERM® biomass-heating systems – straightly from the region.
Biomass Fuels:
- Miscanthus: chips, briquettes or pellets
- Any types of straw: loose, briquettes or pellets
- Grain: low grade, waste or cleanings
- Oil seed rape, rape cake
- Pressed residues: coffee, grape, AD digestate etc.
- Wood chips, wood pellets
- Dried manures: chicken & horse litter

The installations of ÖKOTHERM® are suitable for all applications of heat supply.
- Poultry sheds
- Industry and housing estates
- Agriculture, glass houses, nurseries
- Hotels, nursing homes, leisure centres, schools
- Indoor swimming pools
- Public administration buildings
- Eco villages
- Biogas plants